The chart was pdf.ed but still won't show up on this posting screen!! ( I attached a original chart in the email.)
It was dealigned into the following texts:
The center is a box where the learner's learning is located and surrounded by technology, pedagogy, facilitating/educator, technology, assessment and research.
The outer layers are educational philosophy dichotomy, ecological system theory, human capitals issue (HPI/HPT), and Instructioanl design theories and models.
Each of the following section is a box originally. Among the boxes there are multiple links connecting each other.
Central layer
Characteristics, Motivation, and Performance (learning outcomes)
1. Based on positivism-> teacher-contents centers; classroom based; goal predetermined; objectives defined; activities, materials, and assessment are teacher driven.2. Based on Relativism-> student centered/building learning communities; authenticity, real life experiential/contextual learning; learning by doing; problem solving; case studies; situated learning; environment/context based;teacher facilitating and student orchestrating (collaborative learning); individuals construct and negotiate activities, materials, and assessment in the specific context; reflecting and sharing collectively constructed knowledge (learning communities).
Emergency of Learning Sciences: an alternative to the instructional sciences which is theoretically based on cognitive sciences and relies on constructivist cognitive disciplines such as cognitive anthropology, situated learning, everyday cognition, ecological psychology, distributed cognition and Deweyian pragmatism.
a. Discrete, compartmented, fragmented, territorial,
b. Integrated, contextualized, multidisciplinary.
EPSS – (electronic performance support system) Instructional media continuously fast changing world, which is a double edged sword.
Formal and informal learning, adoption, adapting, and professional development are significantly contributing to human performance improvement.
Barriers/alternatives: Rogers’ Diffusion theory (knowledge, persuasion, decision, implementation, and confirmation.)Adopters categories: readily adopt 2.5%, early adopters 13.5%, early majority 34%, later majority 35% and laggards/resisters 16%)
Characteristics; Working ecology; Intervention and social presence patterns; Social presence; Feedback system.
a. Formative and Summative.
b. Product evaluation vs. Process evaluation
CIPP (context, input, process and product) proposed by Stufflebeam
Kirkpatrick’s 4-level model: (reaction, learning, behavior/transferring, and results) evaluation.
Integration of design and research (Design Research) is a big trend.
Others are: action research, qualitative, quantitative, ethnographies, content analysis, phenomenology, enthnomethodology, case studies, and many others.Collaborative by nature.
Outer layers:
Educational Philosophy - a quick dichotomy:
Epistemology and ontological foundation of teaching and learning
a. Positivism: Knowledge exists independent of learners. There is an absolute truth.
Design Framework:
Objectivism-transfer knowledge form external to inside the learner’ arrange conditions to promote specific goals. e.g., behaviorism, information process cognitive psychology
b. Relativism: Knowledge is constructed by the learners. Truth is contextual.
Design framework:
Constructivism: guide the learner in construction knowledge. Provide a rich context for negotiation and meaning construction.for negotiation and meaning construction.Educational
Ecological system theory:
Bronfenbrennery perspective:
exosystem and
Instructional design theories and models.
Theories (see the philosophy box) and models (behavioral, cognitive information processing, schema, cognitive load, situated/anchored/situated cognition, Gagne’s theory of instruction and 4C/ID holistic approach)
The basic System approach:
Core elements/phrases of ID-ADDIE: Analysis (Front-end Needs assessment) Design, development, implementation and Evaluation.
First principles of instructional design
· Learning is promoted when learners are engaged in solving real-world problems.
· Learning is promoted then existing knowledge is activated as f foundation for new knowledge
· Learning is promoted when new knowledge id demonstrated to the learners.
· Learning is promoted when new knowledge is applied by the learner
· Learning is prompted when know knowledge is integrated into learner’s world
Human Capitals:
Shultz and Becker: knowledge and performance capabilities of population (more than the natural resources) correlate to the economic success of a country.
HPI/HPT: human performance improvement.
It is human or non-instructional factors that need to be well addressed, investigated as well improved in the performance that ties to human capital enhancement.
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